FOF Song Manager
For those who really big fans of Guitar Hero Clone Frets on Fire, should have these application, The stand Alone FOF Song Manager. Program that can manage all your frets on fire songs, The program differ between "Song Directory Functions" and "Tracklist Functions". "Song Directory Functions" works over the complete selected song directory. "Tracklist Functions" work only over tracks these are display in the table. For example, you search for "red", the progam found tracks from "Red Hot Chilli Peppers". With "Tracklist Functions" you can now e.g. delete the highscore only over this tracks.What is "Create Artist Collection"? First the function "Create Artist Collection" is a "Tracklist Function". Click on it and select a (new empty) directory. Now the program creates in this directory folders with the following names: "0-9", "A", "B", "C", "D" and so on. Now the program copys all tracks in the table in this selected directory under the special folder (e.g. "Red Hot Chilli Peppers" goes into folder "R"). Under it there was created a directory with the songname and here are your files (song.ini, song.ogg, guitar.ogg, ...) now. So you get a copy from all your music in your table sorted by artistnames. Maybe you want to hold beside your GH-, PH- and whatever packs also a folder with this structure.
Here is the link to Download FOF Song Manager
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